Assorted Info and Links:
Page Information
- Pages served from my own domain name. (MISSINGPIECE.COM)
- Web counter is courtesy of
- Guestbook is courtesy of GuestWorld guestbook server.
- All MPT web pages were written by hand on an Amiga 3000 system.
- Pages are best viewed on IBrowse 1.1+ for the Amiga at 800x600 Resolution With 32K+ Colors.
- Custom Images:
- JPEG images were converted to 24 bit JPEG from 18 Bit ILBM by TVPaint Junior.
- GIF images were created as ILBM images and converted to GIF using GIF-Toolkit 1.5.3(09.01.97)
- All custom images are ©1996,2000 Missing Piece Technologies
Other Information
Main *
About Me *
Religious *
Doctor Who *
Psion Palmtop *
Doom *
Amiga Stuff *
Internet Info
Pinball Stuff *
Amiga RC5 *
Assorted Stuff
Last Updated: 15 Sept 2000